"Christiane has been working as a speech therapist at Toothbeary Paediatric Dental Practice for 2 years. In addition to her clinical work, she trained the team on Myofunctional Disorders and Stammering, which everyone found very interesting and informative. Christiane is very knowledgeable and experienced in her field and answered all the difficult questions, on how to help our patients improve their speech. The team thoroughly enjoyed the training and felt much more confident afterwards, with the extra scientific knowledge and skills passed on by Christiane." Kamila Konieczna, Assistant Practice Manager Toothbeary, October 2018
"It is such a comfort to know that you are there to guide us and support our pupils, we can see the progress they are making and are very grateful to you." Mrs. M.-H. Leoni, Headteacher Windmill Montessori School, Maida Vale, London
"It gives me
great pleasure to highly recommend Christiane to anyone with a speech problem. Christiane’s therapy is excellent and so is she. I started stammering at the age of 25. Christiane shows a lot of
empathy and has a calm approach at all times. You feel relaxed once you are in her office already. She teaches great exercises and techniques and that resulted in my speech becoming more and more
fluent. Our target was that I would survive a job interview. I did survive it and never stammered again. Working at The Dorchester Hotel and meeting and greeting VIPs, I have not even
stammered in those
Felix Germann, adult patient
„Ms Dehnhardt has been working at St. Christina’s School with children with specific educational needs for the past year. During that time she has always liaised very closely with the school, parents and other relevant bodies. Ms Dehnhardt has demonstrated a thoroughly professional approach to each case referred to her. Her recommendations and support have proven beneficial to all concerned. She has taken a genuine interest in each referral and willingly gives her time to offer follow up advice and guidance for the class teacher and SENCO. I would thoroughly recommend her for your consideration." Nathalie Clyne-Wilson, Headteacher Saint Christina’s School, London
"I just wanted to let you know how delighted my husband and I are at our son’s progress after his sessions with you. I saw in our first session, when I was present with my son, how easily you won his attention and enthusiasm; and crucially how fun and relaxed the games you played were. Your regular updates after each one of the one-to-one sessions helped us build on the techniques you worked on together. I’m still somewhat stunned as to how speedily he’s absorbed the techniques you’ve shown him, carefully pronouncing the sounds with real determination and pride. Our son has always been a little shy and has a tendency to get tense when told to do things that are “good for him”, so I’m all the more appreciative of how speedily you’ve gained his confidence and trust. Many thanks."
Samira Ahmed, mother of 4-year old son and news presenter
"My daughter J. has attended speech therapy sessions with Christiane for over a year. Christiane was highly recommended to us by J.'s nursery school teacher. J. was diagnosed with expressive language delay with dyspraxic tendencies. When she started with Christiane, she found it very hard to articulate many words and impossible to copy a spoken sentence. J. is now well within the "normal" range and converses readily and easily even with strangers. She has truly blossomed into an outgoing and confident child. I find that J. really looks forward to her sessions with Christiane, as they are always interesting and fast moving, and she is always readily praised. Christiane has also been incredibly supportive and knowledgeable as we have had to consider the appropriate next school and the timing thereof.”
Nicola Sutherland, mother of a 5-year old daughter
“Our 4-year-old son attended Speech Therapy sessions for about half a year and looked forward to “Playtime” with Ms Dehnhardt every week. Before beginning treatment, E. spoke very unclear and was unable to pronounce many single letters and letter combinations. This meant that only close relatives could understand what he was saying. After only a few weeks of therapy we started getting comments from many different people about how much E.’s speech had improved. After 6 months, he had completely overcome his speech impediment. His grandmother in Germany was overjoyed that she was able to have a telephone conversation with him for the first time! I was very happy with Ms Dehnhardt’s speech therapy, in particular the way she was able to make the sessions so much fun for E. Once he had begun therapy, I was amazed how quickly his speech improved.” Dr. Stefanie Williams, mother of 4-year old son
"Our son has a delay in language development mainly caused by Auditory Processing Difficulties (borderline to disordered when it was diagnosed around his 5th birthday). He started Fast ForWord just before he turned 5 years old. The progress he made was remarkable. A few weeks after he started the programme, he spent a month in a completely Spanish speaking environment. We were concerned that during this time his English would deteriorate. In fact even during that period it improved. Initially it was difficult to get him motivated to do the programme but after a few weeks he got used to it and enjoyed it. Only towards the end of working for 6 months, 5 days a week for 30 minutes, he got very tired of it. For that reason we decided to have a break of a month before we started with the next level, Fast ForWord Reading 1, which he enjoyed from day one." Victoria Martinez, mother of 5-year old son, January 2016
"Several years ago you diagnosed our son with a mild form of Auditory Processing Disorder and in 2015/16, we very successfully applied Fast Forword. In 2015 we were recommended by an educational psychologist that our son should attend a special needs school. You recommended strongly that this was not the right choice for him. With the benefit of hindsight I can say that your advice has been one of the best we have ever received. Our son has been doing very well at his school and recently passed the 11+ entry exam at a high ranking secondary school. We are very happy with his development." Ralf Schumacher, father of 11-year-old son, May 2021
„Seit über 10 Jahren kommt Frau Dehnhardt zu uns in den Kindergarten um eine logopädische Untersuchung mit unseren Vorschulkindern durchzuführen. Durch ihre positive, ruhige und verständnisvolle Art weckt sie gleich das Vertrauen und die Neugier der Kinder und regt somit auch die zurückhaltenden Kinder zum Mitmachen an. Da Frau Dehnhardt perfekt zweisprachig ist, ist sie auch in der Lage die Sprachentwicklung unserer bilingualen Kinder zu prüfen, was von uns sowie auch den Eltern dieser Kinder besonders geschätzt wird."
Jutta Hepworth, Kindergartenleitung Deutsche Schule London
"Frau Dehnhard war großartig mit meiner Tochter (5.5 Jahre), die Probleme hatte, das R auszusprechen, was sie sehr frustrierte. In nur 4 Therapiestunden lernte meine Tochter nicht nur das R perfekt zu sagen, sondern es auch in ihre Alltagssprache einzubauen. Ich empfand Frau Dehnhard nicht nur als sehr freundlich und kompetent, sondern ich war auch beeindruckt, wie sie es schaffte, dass J. sich wohl fühlte und nicht merkte, dass sie spielerisch übte. Nie wurde ihr der Eindruck vermittelt, dass sie etwas „nicht konnte“. Sie war ganz traurig, als die Stunden zu Ende waren! Ich konnte kaum glauben, wie schnell J. diesen „neuen“ Buchstaben lernte und ich kann die Sprachtherapie mit Frau Dehnhard mit vollen Herzen empfehlen." Ute Laggner, Juli 2021
"Unsere Tochter (12 Jahre) spricht 3 Sprachen und hatte starke Probleme mit der Aussprache des deutschen 'r', was sich sehr auf ihr Selbstvertrauen ausgewirkt hat. Dank
der freundlichen und ruhigen Art von Fr Dehnhardt hat sie innerhalb kürzester Zeit ihre inneren Barrieren abgelegt. Fr Dehnhardt hat eine Skype-Therapie mit Texten, Bildergeschichten und Spielen
durchgeführt - diese war sehr effektiv und praktisch, da unsere Tochter diese von zu Hause aus machen konnte. Am Ende waren nur vier Stunden nötig, um den Sprachfehler zu beheben. 5 stars from
Thomas Vogt, Dezember 2017
"Mein Sohn (6 Jahre alt) hat sich bei der Therapie immer auf die lustigen, abwechslungsreichen Spiele gefreut. Er hat die Übungen und Spiele daher auch gerne zu Hause gemacht und sehr schnell Fortschritte erzielt. Nach nur sechs Therapiestunden war sein Lispeln verschwunden."
Christina Dinné